Judging Criteria

what you need to know

Evaluating LaunchPad submissions is the job of our panel of preliminary judges. They perform an incredible amount of work in a very short time, spending countless hours reviewing applications and selecting businesses that demonstrate plans with great potential to benefit the Maine economy.

Before you apply

take a minute to review the judging criteria

ViabilityShow blockShow block


The sustainability of your business model. Tell us why your business has staying power and how it will thrive in the market for years to come.

ScalabilityShow blockShow block


The ability to adapt to increased demand. Demonstrate how you’ve prepared to handle increased demand and/or share your roadmap for driving growth.

UniquenessShow blockShow block


What makes your business stand out: how has it disrupted the market, how is it innovative? Tell us how your business is doing something different from the competition.

ManagementShow blockShow block


The strength of your business' management and support team. Explain how the team you’ve assembled has what it takes to lead and grow the business.

ImpactShow blockShow block


The impact of the grant to your business, as well as the impact your business seeks to have on the community, job creation, and Maine economy. Explain how your business will make Maine an even better place to live and work.
Opening quotation

Maine needs to grow its businesses, and the fact that Gorham Savings Bank is stepping up and offering this service and showcasing us in front of Maine... it's huge."

Closing quotation
2017 LaunchPad Winner, David Koorits, Good To-Go